Water Filtration System Installation

Water filtration system installation is usually fairly easy and simple for the average homeowner to do themselves. Or any handy person, handyman or plumber can do it. Especially when they have access to our private installation website. Because it has videos, pictures and instructions that make installation simple.

Most of our water filtration system customers don't need plumbers for installation
Most of our water filtration system customers don’t use plumbers to install their systems… sorry Mario Bros.

Who does the water filtration system installation?

When speaking with potential customers, we often get the question, “Who’s going to install or service my water filtration system if I purchase from Budget Water Filters of America?”

“95% of our customers install our water filtration systems on their own or with the help of a handy friend…”

We have lifetime technical support, which means you will never need an in-home service call. When you place an order for a water filtration system with us a few things will happen:

  1. You will receive a email confirmation of the order which will  state what equipment was ordered, where it’s being billed and the shipping address.
  2. You will get another email once your items have shipped. And that has your tracking number and link to our private customer installation website.
  3. You will receive a custom password to the installation site which has helpful pictures, videos and detailed “How To” instructions.
  4. You will then be eligible for our one on one expert technical phone and email support.

If you decide to have someone else install your water filtration system, they will have access to our private installation website. As well as access to our US Based phone support. Our phone support features water treatment specialists and installation experts that are based here in the USA.

Plumbers and Handyman Installers

And if you decide to use a local plumber or handyman, they will see something they understand on our installation website. And we have techs available by phone to walk them (Or you) through any questions you may have.

Finding someone to install in your area should be quite easy. Any handyman or plumber can do it. In fact over 95% of our customers do it themselves or have a handy friend help them. We also have a list of hundreds of plumbers, handymen and installers all over the country who install as well. Even in fairly remote areas, one of our techs might call other customers in your area to find out who they used for installation. We are amazed at how many of our customers help other new customers install as well. We have never had a customer that was unable to get someone to help them install.

Premium Equipment-Budget Prices

Our water conditioners and water filtration systems are top of the line quality. And you’ll get as many, if not far more, years of service out of ours. With no expensive service calls. And no ongoing expensive maintenance calls.

And remember: Never call another water softener company to install someone else’s equipment. Ever! They will just start trying to sell you something else at crazy prices. And they will often wait until they have a salesman inside your house before you realize this. Then it will be really hard to get him back out. He is usually trying to get you to buy $7000 to $10,000 worth of overpriced equipment that is designed to create them a lifetime of service calls and repairs.

CALL TOLL FREE:  800-684-0979

E-mail: support@waterfiltersofamerica.com

And don’t worry, our expert techs will not ask you to buy anything. They just answer your questions and give you great advice!

-Water Filtration Wizard

Water Filtration System Installation

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