How to find your well water flow rate
How to find your well water flow rate in just a few minutes. Flow rate is important because it’s crucial for sizing any type of back washing a filter correctly. Including Terminox® Iron, Sulfur and Manganese filters. If determining the flow rate is not done properly, the unit will fail over time due to improper back washing (cleaning).

The following procedure to find your flow rate is very simple and will only take about 2 minutes tops. When the flow rate is determined and given to our techs, people usually get 20+ years of maintenance free quality water.
This is how to determine your flow rate:
Step One
All you have to do to get the correct flow rate is go to the nearest faucet past the pressure tank.
Turn on the water. Don’t use the faucet that is ON the pressure tank, or right next to the pressure tank.
You simply want the pressure tank to draw down and make the well pump “click on”.
Once the pump comes on. Turn off the water right away. And time how many seconds it takes for the well pump to “click off”.
Write this number down under “Step one”
Step Two
Get a container that you know how much water it holds. We will use and empty gallon milk jug as an example. It is more precise than a five gallon bucket.
At this point, turn on the water and start filling the gallon jug. Once it is full, simple turn the water off and pour it out. Then fill it again. You are trying to see exactly how much water you can draw from the faucet until the pump turns on again.
To sum it up. You turn on the water until your pressure tank causes the pump to cycles on. Then shut off the faucet and see how many seconds it takes the pump to cycle off. Write down how many seconds. Then turn the water back on and see how much you can gather before the pump cycles back on again. Write that number down. That is it.
You have all the information we need at this point to figure out your flow rate. Simply pick up the phone and give one of our techs a call at 1-800-684-0979. A example of what we might hear, “Hello Sam, the first part of the test took 30 seconds for the pump to cycle and then I was able to gather 5 gallons before it kicked back on.“
And that’s it! It’s that simple to find your flow rate. Thank you for taking the time to watch’s video on finding your flow rate.
Have a great day!
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