One of our biggest recommendations is that homeowners never use water softeners as an iron filters. And be very wary of any salesman who would suggest that you do so. A water softener will sometimes reduce a portion of iron …

Water softeners as iron filters? Read more »

  The effects of clean water on your health? What does clean water have to do with the human body? Water is important to the mechanics of the human body. The human body cannot work without clean water. In fact, …

The Effects of Clean Water On Your Health Read more »

Local water treatment dealers often charge a lot of money. They also often set you up for a lifetime of expensive service calls. People often call us asking for a local water treatment dealer or vendor. That can can come …

Local Water Treatment Dealers, Dealers and Installers Read more »

Water filtration systems compared. We often get calls from people asking what the difference is between our water filtration systems and those of Big Box Stores. We sell PREMIUM quality water softeners and water filters at budget prices. The big …

Water Filtration Systems Compared. Budget Water Filters Vs. Big Box Stores Read more »