One of our biggest recommendations is that homeowners never use water softeners as an iron filters. And be very wary of any salesman who would suggest that you do so. A water softener will sometimes reduce a portion of iron …

Water softeners as iron filters? Read more »

Terminox well water filter is a revolutionary iron, sulfur and manganese filter. It is designed to correct the service issues and maintenance problems of other industry filters. It has been tested in real consumer’s home’s 10s of thousands of times over …

Terminox® Well Water Filter Read more »

Water filter pH information for well water systems. Any time you’re using an iron, sulfur and manganese filter (such as our Terminox®) on your private well water. And your pH is below 7.0. It is considered to be acid water …

Water Filter pH Information Read more »

Smelly water causes and solutions covers the most common questions about smelly well water. We often hear complaints of smelly water from potential water filtration customers. And it’s usually described as a “rotten egg smell” or “sulfur smell”. And while …

Smelly Water Causes and Solutions Read more »

Our water filters philosophy, “always do the right thing”. As the original online water treatment website for consumers. Our goal way back in the late 1990s, when the internet was a fledgling enterprise. Was that we wanted to be the …

Our Water Filters Philosophy Read more »

Whole house Sediment filters are the first step that many people take in their search for clean, quality tap water. And are oftentimes all that is necessary to treat the water.  At least for most moderate amounts of dirt type …

Whole House Sediment Filters Read more »